Price Analysis of Junca Cash (JCC) and Virtue Poker (VPP)

The price analysis data surrounding Junca Cash (JCC) suggests that in the past 24-hours, its price has managed to grow by 33.15%. Junca Cash’s price has now reached the $0.2034 per JCC mark after experiencing the 33.15% rally.
So far, the interest of the investors is in favor of the high trend for Junca Cash. At present, the (buy:neutral:sell) ratio of the investors for Junca Cash stands at 8:4:3. The ratio suggests that out of the 15 investors, 8 investors are willing to invest in Junca Cash while 4 investors prefer being neutral. On the other hand, only 3 investors are willing to sell their Junca Cash.
This means that the investors are highly likely to invest in Junca Cash than sell it. The trend suggests that Junca Cash would remain bullish for a longer period of time than be in the bearish trend.
If the bulls keep the ball in their court, they will be able to push the price of Junca Cash all the way up to $0.3164 per JCC (first strong resistance mark). If the investors keep up with their bullish efforts, they may succeed in pushing Junca Cash up to $0.3874 per JCC (second strong resistance mark).
Once the bulls gain more confidence, they will be able to push the price of Junca Cash up to the third strong resistance mark ($0.4267 per JCC).
If the bears are able to launch a strong selling spree against Junca Cash, they will be able to create a dive in Junca Cash’s price. In case the strong selling spree comes into play, then the bears will have pulled Junca Cash’s price down to $0.1521 per JCC.
The price analysis data surrounding Virtue Poker (VPP) suggests that in the past 24-hours, its price has managed to grow by 32.42%. Virtue Poker’s price has now reached the $0.08548 per VPP mark after experiencing the 32.42% rally.
So far, the interest of the investors is in favor of the high trend for Virtue Poker. At present, the (buy:neutral:sell) ratio of the investors for Virtue Poker stands at 8:2:5. According to forextradersecrets, the ratio suggests that out of the 15 investors, 8 investors are willing to invest in Virtue Poker while 2 investors prefer being neutral. On the other hand, 5 investors are willing to sell their Virtue Poker.
As of now, the situation seems to be working in favor of the Virtue Poker bulls. However, the bears may also take the lead if they are able to sustain the pressure from the bulls and are able to fight them off.
In case the bulls are in power, they may succeed in pushing Virtue Poker’s price up to $0.08721 per VPP. If the bears come in action and gain the lead, they may push Virtue Poker’s price down to $0.7957 per VPP.